National Honor Society
Who is eligible to apply?
Juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.50 or higher are eligible - we do not round up at all
How does my son or daughter apply?
Freshmen and Sophomore students are not eligible to apply to the National Honor Society until halfway through their junior year
How can underclassmen prepare?
Underclassmen must maintain a 3.50 higher GPA
Strive to do as many community service hours as possible - defend the idea that you are driven to serve
Seek out positions, companies, fundraisers, service projects, and jobs where leadership experience is earned and evident
Strive to be helpful to those in need, in and out of school
What is the criteria for acceptance into NHS?
The 4 Pillars of NHS
- Academics - 3.50 gpa
- Character - VP discretion
- Community Service - NHS applicants are committed to serving (minimally the district mandatory 20 service hours) - the more service hours, the stronger the candidate
- Leadership - proof of leadership experience (does not have to be an official title) - the more and varied leadership experience will make a stronger candidate
- The above is judged by a faculty committee
- Students can request an appeal to the principal if application is denied
All 4 pillars must be approved by the committee for entrance. This is not a society based solely on GPA.
What if my son or daughter does not meet the minimum requirements of a 3.50 GPA?
Student may apply as seniors if their GPA reaches 3.50.
How do students apply?
Students meeting the minimum GPA will automatically be invited to apply through a google classroom invitation and application sent out by the NHS advisor halfway through junior and senior year. Letters will also be sent home.
If my adolescent was inducted as a junior, do they need to reapply as a senior?
No, once they are inducted into NHS, they do not need to reapply but technically if students drop below the 3.50 as seniors, they can be removed from NHS.
What if my student got into JNHS in middle school? Is that the same thing?
No, JNHS is for middle school students.
What if other honor societies contact my son or daughter? Is that the same thing?
Many honor societies may contact your scholarly child and ask for membership dues and dangle entrance to their society. Here at West, we have NHS, RHIS, Art and World Language societies. Feel free to contact the NHS advisor if you are unsure about a particular honor society.
What awards and honors do NHS members receive?
- Students are honored at NHS/ Junior Honor Night
- Students receive a pin, certificate, and small reception
- Student receive the gold cord for graduation but we usually distribute during senior year,
Gold cord is worn at graduation
Rhode Island Honor Society
Halfway through senior year, students with a GPA of 3.30 are automatically invited for induction.
GPA is the sole factor in gaining acceptance
Students receive a blue cord and certificate.
Blue cord can be worn with other cords at graduation
Students are honored at Scholarship/Senior Honor Night
NHS students will also receive this honor - possessing more than 1 cord
Who can I contact for more information